Thursday, March 29, 2018

How You Can Lose Weight Eating Like A Caveman

When I began my journey to lose weight last October it was for purely selfish and shallow reasons. 

I wanted to look good in a bathing suit because I had my first ever cruise coming up in March of this year. However, once I started "eating like the cavemen", I fell I love with the way I started to feel and the way my body was fitting in my clothes! 

Living the Paleo lifestyle is so easy (a caveman can do it)! See what I did there? All you must remember is to eat meats, roots, veggies and fruits. OK, and occasionally nuts, like almonds and walnuts. The only dairy I eat is grass fed butter and coconut or almond milk. I started my journey around 125 lbs, which looks big on a 4' 9" frame, and by the time my cruise sailed I weighed 105!! 
Not only that but my energy skyrocketed which meant I felt more like exercising. To begin eating this way and living this way you have to be committed. Throw out all the junk in your house! If it comes from a box or a bag, don't eat it. Shop the outside aisles at the grocery store. Salads, fruits and vegetables are the mainstay of this lifestyle. 

Meat should ideally be grass fed, however, affordable choices are few. It still works eating lean cuts of meat, chicken and fish. Cut out all sodas and drink water, if you like, add some fresh squeezed lemon. Make infused waters with mint and fruit. It can be done if you are truly committed. Once you reach your goal weight, you can cheat a little. The occasional glass of red wine is nice or how about some dark chocolate? I actually made it through the holidays with little to no cheats and it wasn't hard at all. 

For a while I missed breads, however, you can make all kinds of breads with the right fours like almond and coconut flours. I prefer not to eat much of that because I don't want those kinds of carbs unless it's a special treat. Speaking of carbs, you don't have to count them, or calories either. Just omit sugar and use natural sweeteners like raw local honey or 100% maple syrup (small quantities) and you're good to go.
 Omit chips and cookies, eat fruit and nuts instead. My typical day starts with eggs and bacon for breakfast or a smoothie made with fruit and coconut milk. Lunch might be a salad with some protein like egg or chicken and dinner is a small piece of meat, or fish, salad and a sweet potato. Easy right! Take it from me, it works. Another benefit is that some people can even get off their medications, under your doctor's advise of course. 

This way of eating is helpful for everything from diabetes to hormones. Your mood will improve and so will your gut health. Just removing sugar alone is a huge step in improving ones gut health but another is removing whole wheat and adding other healthy grains like millet and Quinoa. So, to summarize, eating like a caveman not only will get you in that bikini or skinny jeans but make your tummy happy too. Try it for your health, try it for yourself.  

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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Five Secrets To A Successful Work-At-Home Business

Want to work at home?

Likely as not, you dream of working your own business so that you no longer have to be under an employer's thumb. Owning your own business also has a lot more income potential than working for someone else. However, most people who try to start their own business give up within the first couple of years. I don't want that to happen to you! So allow me to share with you five secrets to running a successful work-at-home business. 
1. Don't get into debt to start your business. While banks will loan money to people starting up a business, if you can avoid that, do. A better option is to start a business that doesn't require a lot of overhead, and to save up what you need to start it. It often takes between one and five years for a business to profit. If you are not in debt when you get started, you are more likely to stick to it because you haven't made a large financial risk. 

2. Choose an online venue. Yes, there are a lot of people competing to make money online, whether it be eBay, affiliate marketing, or publishing digital books. However, there is little overhead involved with an online business, marketing can be totally free, and your market is much larger than running a local business. 

3. Research before diving in. Your idea to sell hummingbird necklaces might seem brilliant to you, but if most women prefer butterfly necklaces, your business won't get anywhere. Before you start your business, find out what people actually want. 

4. Use Pinterest. More people visit the Pinterest website than they do Facebook and YouTube combined - and you can imagine how many daily visitors those sites each have! If you don't have an account there yet, set one up. Then do a search online about how to effectively market using that website. 

5. Create multiple streams of income. A couple in my area buys old cars and sells their individual parts on eBay. They also do some mechanic work for local residents. If you're a writer, you could turn some of your ideas into videos and make a little extra income when you partner with the video site in its advertising program. 
If you're working a direct sales business, the blog you use as your online hub can promote other people's e-books that are related to the products your company sells. If you want to work from home, your options are many. Once you hone in on what you really want to do, keep these principles in mind and you are sure to become a success statistic!  


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Sunday, March 25, 2018

The 10 Best Work at Home Jobs

The Top 10 Best Work from Home Jobs - Scan through and Find out! A report by Recruitment Experts said today that an increasing number of people apply for online jobs each week.

There are several reasons why this is so. There are five major personality types in the world who prefer to work at home - Introverts, Parents, Military Spouses, PWDs and Retirees. Logically, reasons for their choice of work at home jobs are obvious. 

The report stated some facts from these different personality types and it mentioned some of their statements regarding their success and fulfillment. One of them, a retiree, had a list of ten of the best work from home jobs. 
They are as follows: 
1.) Virtual Assistant 
2.) Medical Transcriptionist 
3.) Translator 
4.) Web Developer/Designer 
5.) Call Center Representative 
6.) Technical Support Specialist 
7.) Travel Agent 
8.) Teacher 
9.) Writer/Editor 
10.) Franchise Owner Let us take a little look at a summary of the following best work from home jobs: Virtual Assistant. 

This job covers many things. It depends on the employer. Take for example, if your boss owns an e-book site, you might be given assignments to assist him/her. 

Most VA jobs are simple and easy. The main point to consider here is "assistant" - you assist your boss in whatever endeavors his site may need. Medical Transcriptionist. This is a very demanding job. So employers with this kind of business would opt to choose someone who is experienced and well-versed in this type of occupation. The work involves listening and typing transcripts from doctors. 

This is the reason why employers with this kind of business prefer to choose those who have already been well trained for this type of work. Translator. This is a job for a language expert. The job entails translating files or documents word by word with a consideration for the cultural differences depending on what language is being translated. Web Developer/Designer. This is a job especially made for information technologists. 

They will be asked to design websites, modify templates and re-design codes. Call Center Representative. Not all Call Center Representatives require office work. This is one of the best work from home jobs because it entails assistance to customers of many different types of companies. You just have to familiarize yourself with the product of the company you are working with. 
Tech Support Specialist. Work Specialists dub this as one of the best work from home jobs. This is needed in call center companies who need tech support to work remotely. Travel Agent. A Travel agent gives assistance to people who travel to different places around the world or even locally. They give the best tour ideas/packages. Teacher. This is for virtual schooling among teens and children. This also requires proper training.

 Employers are more likely to hire those who have formal training in teaching. Writer/Editor. Thousands of employees online are article writers and editors. They write feature and/or promotional articles for their companies online. Even those without writing experience can get hired. Some employers provide training. Franchise Owner. 

This one of the easiest work at home jobs. You get a franchise of a business online, promote and sell products. Most franchises offer ready-made awareness about their products. These are the top ten best work from home jobs. 

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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

How do imay: Work at Home - Work Smarter and Earn Bigger Profits

Some of the most successful people in the world today work from home and are doing so well in their online job opportunities.

A blogger related her story today about her work at home career and was saying that "I am successful, busy but never stressed." She was referring to the stressful environment that physical jobs may give sometimes. "At the end of the day what matters is that you live and have enough for your needs and also have some extra to enjoy and relax," she said. 

Personally, I am also a living testimony of work at home jobs. I have been in my e-book business for quite a number of years now and every day still awes me. My e-books give meaning to my life and how they are sold are really icing to my cakes. The earning I get each month is really a bonus to the time and hard work I have put in this business. 
Going back to the blogger I was mentioning above, she stated some of the many benefits that one can get while working at home. I also find many other benefits in working at home so let me share some of them with you. The Benefits of Work at Home Careers: 

1.) Time - When you work at home, you do not have a pressured time. You do not have to wake up early just so you can reach the transportation in a certain time or else you might be left by the bus. You also get to choose what time to start. You can adjust your time with your home chores. In short, you own your time. 

2.) Pressure - The pressure of having officemates around is not present in this pursuit. You get to work alone. You do not have to adjust with workmates. You do not have to be affected by competition and most of all you will not by any chance encounter any conflict with officemates who feel like they are the boss. You are your own self in your relaxed and stress-free environment. 

3.) Save - When you work from home, you get to save a lot. You will not be able to spend for hidden charges such as transportation, fuel and office uniforms. When you travel for work, sometimes you encounter wear and tear or flat tires. This is an additional expense. You also spend on eat outs and uniforms. At home, all these are eliminated. 

4.) Family - This is usually for working moms who sometimes find it hard to reconcile their motherly duties with their work responsibilities. While earning at home, you do not have to worry about this. You can adjust your work schedule to make it fit in with your family duties. 

5.) More income - You can earn more because you can actually have more than one job. Yes, you heard that right. You can actually have one full time job and then two supplemental ones. It all depends upon your skill and capabilities. You will also find that most employers won't really mind as long as you provide them with quality output and you submit your work on time. 

These are just five more advantages that work at home jobs can provide, try one for yourself and start to get more quality time in your life.  


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