Have you ever read a book that in some way changed your life, altered your perception or in someway made a difference?
As a child I was always an avid reader, then it was comics, library books Enid Blighton's "Famous Five" and everything else I could lay my hands on; even my sister's French homework books, although I wasn't taking French at school! Funnily unlike most people, I seldom read fiction now. If I am spending time reading I want it to be for a reason, so the books I read are more likely to be on self-improvement or making a difference in some way.
For example learning yoga, I am interested in health and fitness; or learning Spanish for our new venture; more about that later. Now I am also building an online business, so many of my current books are connected with growing my business. For example on various types of marketing: media marketing, email, and SEO, both free and paid for traffic.
There is a wealth of information out there, both on the web and in book stores. Actually I find reading from a screen feels alien, so that I print stuff off, and a Kindle so far hasn't appealed to me, although it could be much cheaper than buying books. I like to feel a book in my hands with fresh clean pages; I like to sit back and relax or take notes if it's a business book I am reading, I do have a course on speed reading but only like to do this if I am scanning a book I have read in the past, and I am just refreshing information. Words are my passion, I don't want to rush past them, I want to enjoy their message.
My business, which I began as a fascinating hobby, whilst I was still working, is an online marketing business, specifically affiliate marketing; this is the simplest way to set-up online as a beginner. I find it fun and exciting to learn new skills and see my business improving, which also allows me to work at home.
Shortly we will be moving to Spain to spend warmer winters there, with a summer-retreat in the country-side in Lincolnshire near five acres of fishing lakes. I'm sure without the confidence and belief I gained in reading some of my books I wouldn't have considered this, or working at home. So maybe some reading could change your ideas plans and life-style.
Here are some books I am sure have influenced me over the years: "Awaken the Giant Within", by Anthony Robbins "Stop Worrying and Start Living", by Dale Carnegie "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" by Dr Joseph Murphy "Getting What You Want" by J.H.Brennan "Living With Passion" by Peter L. Hirsch "Thank God it's Monday by Charles Cameron and Suzanne Elusor "Do It a Guide to Living Your Dreams" by John-Rodger and Peter McWilliams I'm sure that many more books have influenced me but these are still on my bookshelves. There are also some books that have helped in my business.
"SEO Step by Step" by Caimin Jones "Profitable Social Media" by Tim Kitchen and Tashmeem Mirza "500 Social Marketing Tips" by Andrew Macarthy "Microsoft Windows 8 Made Easy" by James Stables; although I haven't upgraded my laptop it was something I considered - this book is very explanatory. This aught to be enough reading to keep you busy for a while - I hope you enjoy them too! What books have you read, enjoyed and found helpful?
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